Thursday, March 29, 2012


Many involved with preparedness will assess their needs and make plans to address many avenues.  Yet, one often overlooked item is key to you and your preparedness group's health-Vitamins.

While many are devoting so much time and effort to bolstering there food and water supply, preppers should also include vitamins in their plan.  Assuring that for every day of food and water you are storing for each person, that you also provide at least one daily dose of vitamins.  Look for a good multi-vitamin that will provide a broad range of vitamins and minerals that will meet daily nutritional guidelines.  Just read the label.

As a part of a thorough food storage plan most plans do focus on nutrition.  Although some novice preppers just bulk up on food items, nutrition is key to a well thought out plan.  Having a variety of foods can provide sufficient vitamins to nourish the human body.  Yet, the addition of a regular vitamin regimen is highly recommended.

Why are vitamins important to preparedness?  Bottom line is you and your group's health and longevity.  During a disaster situation, a daily vitamin regimen can assure each one of your group has what their body needs to remain healthy.  This will help to deter illness and disease.  And, to assure members of your group remain strong to assist with their daily tasks necessary to survive a disaster.  Even more so, if it is a catastrophic or long term recovery scenario, battling fatigue and maintaining good health will be a growing priority.  

Overall, vitamins can give your group the edge to sustain life and to assure a balanced food management plan.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Water.  The liquid of life.  A combination of basic elements, hydrogen and oxygen.  When many focus on the priority of food.  The true necessity is water.
Water sustains life.  The body requires water for formation of tissue, mental awareness, proper function of vital organs and more.  One key symptom the body is deficient of H20 is dehydration.  Yes, a human may begin to feel the onset of food starvation after a few days, but thirst will become evident much quicker.  Depending on the time and quantity one has consumed water or water based beverage, a human can develop the early onset of thirst and dehydration within 12-24 hours.  

Water is essential for hygiene.  Many think of water as for consumption.  However, water is needed by humans for controlling the hygiene in perhaps a very disparaging environment.  In an active disaster environment followed by a lengthy survival period, water is needed to keep individuals clean to maintain a hygienic environment.  This is even more crucial in the situation of several humans living in close quarters over time.  Basically, it may come to the need to control disease and contagion as a result of declining hygiene.

Water is a basic of food preparation and more.  Food preparation will require water for two reasons.  One, food may require water to be edible or boil water for consumption.  Secondly, water is necessary to keep cooking equipment clean.  Keeping pots, pans, glasses, utensils, etc., clean is important to maintain a healthy living environment.  

Now that we've made the case for importance.  How much should one conserve to be ready when disaster strikes?  Many preparedness gurus recommend at a minimum, one gallon of water per person in your preparedness plan.  However, this is based upon a relatively short term disaster scenario.  Should a major event carry you without access to clean water beyond three weeks, many other experts now agree that two gallons of water per person is the real minimum.  The two gallon threshold builds in many of the needed components mentioned above, including hygiene.  Based on our research, we recommend two gallons per person.
Water storage and management.  Many preparedness experts recommend having a dedicated water plan.  A plan separate, in some regards, from your food storage plan. (That is how important water is to your survival.)  Many preparedness studies agree that using a variety of water containers is the best approach.  It's a matter of practicality.  Large water barrels with a spigot may be good for food preparation, general hygiene, and cleaning food equipment.  Bottled water is easy to grab, consume and transport.  Assure you dedicate adequate storage space and consider the weight of transporting large water containers.  Some build water purification equipment into their plan.  You may consider designating a member of your preparedness team to monitor daily consumption and usage to assure water levels are on track with your preparedness plan.

All in all, water is the primary need of humans.  Your ability to assure sufficient water resources will bolster your plan and the quality of life of your preparedness team.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


There's a growing movement of individuals entering the prepper community.  With heightened media attention focusing on disaster preparedness, the ranks of preppers will continue to grow.

The media portrayal of certain preppers and the prepper community is askew.  What networks, such as National Geographic or Discovery, are producing is certainly creating buzz and with it raising interest.  However, most of the individuals featured on shows like "Doomsday Preppers"  are not your typical, level headed prepper.  In reflection, the networks actually smear the image of some individuals who, (at least on the surface), appear fairly sound and skilled at preparedness.  Some preppers commenting on the NatGeo series have stated the show is tearing down the image of the prepper community.

Although, preppers at home may not be able to immediately curb the media's slight, we can work to guide those new to preparedness to sound practices.  The formation of local groups to provide good direction and instruction is essential to preparing our communities for the unknown.  The American Prepper Network is actively working to launch groups to provide a forum for preppers to gain the proper skills and knowledge to be ready when disaster strikes.  Preppers new and veteran can join up with groups to share best practices via groups found on Meetup.

As the nature of prepping, our impact is local.  We work to protect our families and foster the tenets of disaster preparedness in our community.


One of the many facets of the preparedness community is the terminology or lingo used to describe certain aspects of prepping or preparedness activity.  Much of the prepper lingo is a series of acronyms that often are straight to the point, just brief in spelling.  A couple of acronyms are derived from the military and are used to clean up the language a bit.

Okay, lets take a short look at Prepper Lingo 101.  Here's the most well used terms in the prepper repertoire:

ANTS - Americans Networking To Survive.  A survival network of individual preppers committed to providing supplies when a disaster strikes.

BOB - Bug Out Bag:  This is a duffle bag or back pack equipped with essential emergency supplies that can be quickly accessed if you have to move to another location.

BOHICA - Bend Over, Here I Come Again.  Communication slur to announce a repeated maneuver. 

BOL - Bug Out Location:  Where you will rally for your primary or secondary location.

BOV - Bug Out Vehicle.  The transportation type you will use to get to your BOL.

Bug In - When an individual or group decides to stay put to ride out a disaster.  

Bug Out - Another word for evacuate. 

COMMS - Short for the use of communications.

EDC - Everyday Carry.  What armament a person may carry on their person on a daily basis.

FAK - First Aid Kit.

FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair.  Can be used as a expletive when a situation or equipment is beyond recovery or ability to repair.

GHB - Get Home Bag.  Bag or backpack stocked with essentials kept at work, school or in a vehicle.  Reserve supplies needed until you reach your primary location or rally point.

GOOD - Get Out Of Dodge.  Basically, get out of the town or location you are in.  An act of evacuation.

HDR - Humanitarian Daily Ration.  This is a reduced portion of the MRE.  HDR's are used primarily by international relief organizations and government relief to areas in which some foods are not accepted due to culture or religious beliefs.  Contains no animal meat or by products.

HX - History.  Refers to the background information of a situation.  Also used to refer to medical history.

INCH - I Am Never Coming Home.  Sometimes referred to the type of BOB you are preparing.  In essence, you are taking the absolute essentials with the knowledge you may not be returning to your home due to crisis.

Multi-Tool - A combination tool or survival knife which may include several types of tools.  For instance, knife blade(s), screwdriver, file, can opener, pliers, etc.

MRE - Meal Ready to Eat.  This is a military ration of food.  Typically the shelf life is for several years.  The contents are sealed in a tough plastic wrapper.  Various types of foods can be MREs.  MREs are typically found in BOB for when you have to Bug Out.

NBC - Nuclear Biological Chemical.  Refers to an disaster event involving nuclear, chemical or biological means.  Also can refer to the equipment necessary to survive such a disaster.

OPSEC - Operational Security.  A critical component of the preparedness community.  Meaning to assure that logisitical, personal and location information is kept private to maintain the integrity of a preparedness plan.

ORP - Optimal Rally Point or Operational Rally Point. A key location designated to mobilize for a disaster.

PSK - Personal Survival Kit.  Essential tools and necessities used for survivalist methods.

SHTF - Shit Hits The Fan.  This refers to a the occurrence of a serious disaster or crisis.  In some regards this may be more of a local or regional disaster.  Although if its TEOTWAWKI, then SHTF really means a dire situation.

TEOTWAWKI - The End Of The World As We Know It.  This means a catastrophic world event has occurred.  In many regards, this refers to the possible end of civilization or humanity.

WWL - World Without Law.  Referring to a total breakdown of society.  The scenario where the laws as we know it today do not exist.

The preparedness community continues to grow its lingo as time goes by and as new methods/equipment are introduced.


Our membership is growing and we're ready to move forward with our first meeting!  Thanks to all for reaching out to your friends and associates to connect them with our membership.

Our first PVP Meeting (Meetup) will be on Sunday, April 29 at 2:00pm.  We have secured a private meeting room at the Timberwood Grill located north of Charlottesville along Route 29-North.  This will be what I will term as our organizational meeting.  This meeting will give us an opportunity to discuss how we want to be structured, the format & content of future meetings and time to become familiar with one another. 

Also, we need to continue to grow our membership.  Strength in numbers can lead to strength in wisdom and skills.  I encourage all to think about a couple of individuals you may think will appreciate gaining knowledge in preparedness.  And, invite them to our meeting!  You may direct them to our PVP Membership site on Meetup at>>>

For more information including directions to the meeting location on April 29th, click the following link to our Meetup site>>>    

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


New to preparedness?  Or, are you a seasoned prepper looking for more skills and knowledge?

Take the initiative to join the Piedmont Virginia Preppers!  

The Piedmont Virginia Prepper's (PVP) goal is to serve as a forum for providing straightforward information to help our members become proficient in preparedness knowledge and skills.  In addition, we will strive to network with fellow preppers in Virginia to exchange preparedness capabilities.  Also, we will maintain our members privacy and operational security.

Although our group is based near Charlottesville, Virginia, we welcome individuals from throughout Virginia and beyond.

To learn more about our group, visit our PVP Membership Website on Meetup.  Click here to access>>> at  Our Meetup site is the best way for us to on-board with you and to establish communications.  If you would like to speak to our PVP Coordinator, Flint Engleman, contact him at (434)981.3014 or email  


Welcome to the Piedmont Virginia Preppers blog site!

We welcome all who are interested in preparedness.  From the beginner needing initial guidance to the seasoned prepper who is looking for new acquiring new skills.

This site is a work in progress.  Initially it will serve the purpose of raising awareness for our group.  As time moves forward, we will provide key content for preparedness.

Interested in being a part of our group?  Just follow this link to our PVP Meetup site.  This will provide basic group info, inform you of upcoming meetings and activities, and connect you with our coordinator.  Here's the link>>>



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